Bespoke tutoring from the best tutors in the
The best person to trust with your child’s education is a professional educator. Our tutors are veteran teachers & professors who have guided hundreds of students to success in their academic classes, on standardized tests, and with the college admissions process. We've helped students gain admission into the most competitive colleges in America, including Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Berkeley, UCLA, Georgetown, Brown and more. We know how to help your child get organized, gain confidence, and achieve at his or her highest potential.
The Ivy Method is the brainchild of Michael Robin and Peyton McDavitt, Harvard alumni with over forty years combined experience as educators. Ivy Method's customized learning comprehension strategies, organizational coaching, and proven test prep methodology have lead countless students to success.

The two most important elements in a tutor-student relationship are fit and experience.

Families begin tutoring with a free 25 minute Zoom consultation with one of Ivy Method’s Directors, during which we discuss your child’s academic goals, challenges, learning style, and interests. Based on that conversation, we then match your child with the ideal tutor to meet your child’s specific needs. We believe that a strong tutor-student relationship is the best way to promote students’ academic achievement and socioemotional development.

Our tutors are award-winning veteran teachers and professors, Ivy League alumni and PhDs. You name it, our tutors have done it: we've helped honors students ace their college entrance exams and gain admission to Ivy League schools; we've guided students with special needs toward higher grades; we've helped anxious elementary school students master the ISEE. Ivy Method's tutors know how to boost students’ confidence, take the stress out of learning, and make any content relatable, relevant, and digestible with ease.
It's not easy being a student. We teach students fundamental studentship skills: how to organize their time and materials, how to prioritize, how to build strong relationships with their teachers, and how to advocate for themselves. We help all of our students set up organizational systems that make them both more efficient and more independent learners.

We speak teenager. Whether it's connecting an ISEE question to Ariana Grande’s latest single or explaining physics concepts in terms of Fortnite, our tutors make tutoring relevant and fun. We believe that students' socioemotional growth is just as important as their academic achievement; our tutors see themselves as role models and mentors for our students.